Das SIMstarter NG ein sehr praktisches Tool zur Konfiguration des Simulators ist, dass dürfte neben der FSX auch die P3Dv4 Gemeinde bestätigen können. Nun wurde ein eigenes Backup System hinzugefügt mit dem der Benutzer entscheiden kann, wenn welche Konfigurationsdatei gesichert werden soll. Der Startposition Dialog wurde um den Airline Code erweitert, so dass man an der richtigen Stelle auf seinem Lieblingsairport starten kann. Der FileSwitcher ist außerdem bereit für ORBX Germany Süd…
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Release Notes:
--- 22.09.2017 - v1.5.1 [FEATURE] SimConfigBackup - Complete new Backup system for SIMstarter NG. Users can create different BackupSets and assign them to a Backup plan [FEATURE] Startposition - Filter start position based on airline code (based on the AFCAD of the scenery) [FEATURE] General - (P3Dv4) refreshing airport list creates a file 'scenery.cfg.SIMstarterNG.withAddOnXml' that includes all scenery items from add-on.xml files [FEATURE] Add-On.xml MGR - (P3Dv4) Ask if SODE\xml or SODE\SimObjects files and folders should be copy to the SODE folder in ProgramData [FEATURE] SimConfig - (P3Dv3/v4) Moon and Sun Size can be adjusted in 'Tweaks' Tab (suneffect.cfg) [FEATURE] Fileswitcher - Presets for ORBX Germany South added [FEATURE] Fileswitcher - Presetlist will be sorted now [CHANGED] General - SIMstarter NG is showing an info dialog if SIMstarter NG is not started with Administrator Rights [CHANGED] FSUIPC - Using FSUIPCclient 32/64 bit. Therefore SIMstarter NG is a 64 bit application from now. [CHANGED] Settings - Path to FTXcentral.exe removed from 3rd party settings (not needed any more) [CHANGED] Add-On.xml MGR - (P3Dv4) Files won't be automatically corrected with each start. (doesn't affect someone) [CHANGED] Add-On.xml MGR - (P3Dv4) Using "Categories from directory" will the parent directory name for "scenery" as preset [CHANGED] SimObjects MGR - Asks if selected SimObject should be removed [CHANGED] Profiles - "<< FSUIPC NOT FOUND >>" will be displayed in "Flightplan" Dropdown if FSUIPC can't be found [CHANGED] Fileswitcher - "Hide Presets" CheckBox setting will be saved [CHANGED] Startposition - SIMstarter NG can be minimized during MAKERWYS process [BUGFIX] SceneryMGR - (P3Dv4) Moving Scenery items from add-on.xml that have no title SceneryName crashed SIMstarter NG [BUGFIX] SceneryMGR - CTD if scenery.cfg contains wrong value for "ACTIVE=" (e.g. ture accept true) [BUGFIX] SceneryMGR - (P3Dv4) Sorting of scenery fixed [BUGFIX] ActiveSky - (P3Dv4) SIMstarter NG is showing ActiveSky XML error. [BUGFIX] Profiles - "Use FSUIPC Checkbox" is disabled if FSUIPC is not installed [BUGFIX] SimObjects MGR - (P3Dv4) wrong numbering of [ENTRY.] if add-on.xml files are active [BUGFIX] SimConfig - Fixed issue that Changes dialog shows items that have not been changed by user