SIMMARKET EXPRESS KW07/24: Neue Produkte & Updates

Diese Woche gab es besonders viele Neuigkeiten für alle Simulatoren: MSFS, XP und P3D. Bei den Produkt Updates stechen besonders Justsim, Inibuilds und Passengers2 heraus.




SIMMARKET selection for Valentine’s Day Sales +130 popular products discounted up to 60% OFF for MSFS P3D XP

Drzewiecki Design 30% OFF Valentine’s Day SALE MSFS P3D XP FSX incl. multiple Boeing manufacturies sites and airports, Tokyo Narita, NY Newark, Washington KDCA and more until February 18th

MK Studios 30% OFF Valentine’s Day SALE at SIMMARKET
MSFS P3D Airports incl. Montreal, Philadelphia, Dublin V2, Rovaniemi, Helsinki and more until February 18th

MM Simulations 35% OFF MSFS XP incl Liège, Tromsø, Horta, Palma and more until February 25th

Aerosoft 35% OFF until P3D Addons Sale of Professional A330/A320 family and Mega Airports until February 18th included

Verticalsim 25% OFF MSFS XP including Tampa KTPA for MSFS until February 20th