Microsoft Flight Simulator Sim Update 13 Beta veröffentlicht

Microsoft hat die Beta-Version des Sim Update 13 für den Microsoft Flight Simulator veröffentlicht.

Die genauen Verbesserungen im Sim Update 13 Beta für den Flight Simulator 2020, wie auf der verlinkten Seite erwähnt, sind:

  1. Leistungsverbesserungen: Optimierungen wurden vorgenommen, um die Gesamtleistung des Spiels zu steigern, was zu einer reibungsloseren und flüssigeren Spielerfahrung führen soll.
  2. Flugzeugverbesserungen: Verschiedene Flugzeuge im Spiel haben Updates erhalten, um ihre Leistung, das Flugverhalten und die Systemfunktionalität zu verbessern. Einzelheiten zu den spezifischen Änderungen für jedes Flugzeug sind in den Veröffentlichungsnotizen aufgeführt.
  3. Flughafenverbesserungen: Ausgewählte Flughäfen wurden überarbeitet, um genauere Darstellungen und verbesserte Bodendetails zu bieten. Dies trägt zu einer realistischeren Umgebung für die Spieler bei.
  4. Wetter- und ATC-Verbesserungen: Anpassungen am Wettersystem wurden vorgenommen, um realistischere Wetterbedingungen im Spiel zu schaffen. Darüber hinaus wurden Verbesserungen am Air Traffic Control (ATC) System vorgenommen, um eine bessere Kommunikation und Anweisungen für die Spieler zu gewährleisten.
  5. Fehlerbehebungen: Das Update enthält eine Vielzahl von Fehlerkorrekturen, die auf Rückmeldungen der Community und des Entwicklerteams basieren. Diese beheben verschiedene Probleme, die das Spielerlebnis beeinträchtigen könnten.

Eine der bemerkenswerten Verbesserungen im Sim Update 13 Beta für den Flight Simulator 2020 ist die Integration von SimBrief-Funktionen. Diese Integration betrifft insbesondere die Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner und die Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental. Mit dieser neuen Funktion können Piloten nun Daten über SimBrief anfordern, einschließlich der Flugroute, der Nutzlast und der Windvorhersagen. Diese Daten können über die CDU (Control Display Unit) abgerufen werden. Zusätzlich zur Routenanfrage-Funktionalität bietet das Update auch Seiten für Nutzlast- und Treibstoffverwaltung sowie weitere Einstellungen, um die Effizienz des Flugzeugs zu optimieren. Die Integration von SimBrief trägt dazu bei, dass die virtuellen Piloten realistischere und besser geplante Flugreisen im Flight Simulator erleben können.

Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass dies nur eine Zusammenfassung der Verbesserungen ist und die detaillierten Informationen in den Veröffentlichungsnotizen auf der verlinkten Seite nachgelesen werden können.

Sim Update 13 Beta ist ab sofort für alle Benutzer verfügbar. Die endgültige Version von Sim Update 13 wird voraussichtlich im September 2023 veröffentlicht.

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1 Jahr zuvor

häää habe ich da was verpasst!?

Die neue Wettersimulation berücksichtigt auch Faktoren wie Wind, Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit.
ich dachte da tat sie seit tag 1? uns wurden doch 2019/20 so viele tolle videos vorgespielt, wo sogar tertain uplift etc zu sehen war… jetzt bin ich aber geschickt.

Masse des Flugzeugs, die Form des Flugzeugs und die Windverhältnisse.

Öhhm auch das sollte doch seit tag eins so sein?! sogar Radschuhe sollten einen unterschied machen.

Die 747-8 gabs ab Tag eins, genauso wie die genannten Airports…auch die Alpen wurden doch längst mittels eines WU geupdated.
Hat die Redaktion sich hier im Sim geirrt oder hat uns Asobo Jahrelang verarscht, mit dem was der Sim kann?

Beantworten  Marc
1 Jahr zuvor

Hallo, von Wetter sehe ich nichts in den RN. Was die beiden Langstreckenflugzeuge betrifft, gilt das hier:

Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner / Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental

  • Added Functionality:
  • Both planes now support data uplink features via Simbrief. This allows the pilot to request the route, payload, and wind forecasts on the appropriate CDU pages. We have also added payload and fuel management pages to help pilots load the planes more optimally. You will find that under the SETTINGS page on the CDU. The 787-10 now comes with the EFB enabled. At the moment its sole purpose is to calculate takeoff performance settings and to send the data back to the FMC. Additionally a first iteration of computed and programmed step climbs has been implemented.
  • CDU: Add SimBrief related options in SETTINGS.
  • FMC: Add ROUTE REQUEST functionality backed by SimBrief integration.
  • FMC: Add wind uplink functionality backed by SimBrief integration.
  • CDU: Weight&Balance page added under SETTINGS for fuel and payload management.
  • VNAV: Added support for step climbs.
  • AP: FLCH mode sets thrust to achieve the target altitude in 125 seconds if possible.
  • CDU: Added CRZ CLB and CRZ DES page titles to the CRZ page when in those regimes.
  • CDU: Added cruise climb-related functionality to the PERF INIT, CRZ, PROG, and LEGS pages.
  • CDU: Added the MAX ANGLE speed field to the CLB page.
  • CDU: NAV RADIO accepts manual VOR course entry when VOR is in manual tuning mode.
  • CDU: An invalid entry message is given when an abeam point cannot be found.
  • CDU: The WIND and REF OAT fields on TAKEOFF REF page 2 can be auto-populated by pressing the corresponding LSK while the scratchpad is empty.
  • CHECKLISTS: Added support for closed loop checklist items that automatically complete based on the corresponding system states.
  • CHECKLISTS: Checklist page will display the first incomplete checklist upon page entry or NORMAL button press.
  • CHECKLISTS: Added CHKL INCOMPLETE NORM cautions for before takeoff, approach and landing checklists.
  • CHECKLISTS: Added Resets page where all checklists can be reset instead of having to reset every checklist individually.
  • CHECKLISTS: Added support for overriding checklists and individual checklist items.
  • EICAS: Added STAB GREENBAND warning to advise of incorrect takeoff CG entry.
  • EICAS: Added a step climb alert if the climb has still not been started five minutes after passing the point.
  • ND: Added a marker displaying the location of the next cruise climb.
  • [747] ND: Add VOR/VORCTR/APP/APPCTR formats.
  • [747] SYSTEMS: Added automatic fuel system management option that will change the fuel system configuration in flight as fuel quantities change in tanks. Defaults to off, inhibited on ground.
  • [747] SYSTEMS: Added insufficient fuel warning if the predicted fuel at the destination goes below the set reserves (or zero if not set).
  • [787] SYSTEMS: Added insufficient fuel warning if the predicted fuel at the destination goes below the set reserves (or 4000 lbs if not set).
  • Bugfixes and Improvements:
  • AP: Tuned localizer intercept behavior to reduce overshoot in most scenarios.
  • AP: Ensure FAC can always capture when close to the beam.
  • AP: Fixed an issue where the autopilot would be inaccurate when flying in external camera view.
  • AP: The MCP speed window now opens with current speed when changing from VNAV to another vertical mode.
  • CDU: Fixed an issue where a fix info ETA or altitude prediction could not be deleted when the prediction could not be calculated.
  • CDU: NavRadio Page CRS value is now green instead of white
  • CDU: Pressing the CLB> or DES> page links on the forecast pages will always return you to the VNAV page you came from.
  • CDU: More accurate “blanked” versions of the VNAV pages.
  • CDU: Fix a bug where setting the assumed temp on the TAKEOFF REF page did not set the thrust mode appropriately.
  • CDU: Climb thrust mode no longer syncs to takeoff thrust mode when reentering the THRUST LIM page.
  • CDU: Fixed a bug that might navigate back to the LEGS page immediately after starting the creation of a hold.
  • CDU: The QUAD/RADIAL field on the HOLD page parses entries more accurately.
  • CDU: The RUNWAY POS field displays meters when the game unit is metric.
  • CDU: CRZ ALT is now properly synced between CDUs.
  • CDU: Distances to go now truncate rather than round.
  • CDU: Do not show direct to indications in LEGS page when a direct to is performed internally by other FMS modifications.
  • CDU: Vertical track error now blanks when invalid.
  • CONTROLS: Engaging reverse thrust via the toggle control input should now work more reliably.
  • EICAS: Added TCAS OFF advisory message.
  • EICAS: Fixed multiple bugs in AUTOBRAKE EICAS alerts.
  • FLIGHT MODEL: Slight increase in braking efficiency.
  • FMC: ROLLOUT and FLARE modes now disarm/disengage when the AP is disengaged.
  • FMC: Corrected approach mode engagement/disengagement logic.
  • FMC: Fixed a bug where the pre-flight phase was skipped.
  • FMC: Fixed a bug where fix info was able to look past the first intersection if another fix info page was used.
  • FMC: Fix info abeam points are now deleted when passed.
  • FMC: Fix info no longer looks at legs behind the plane.
  • FMC: When initializing a cruise descent, restriction and transition speed limits are deleted if the new cruise altitude is lower than their corresponding ones.
  • FMC: Fix info predictions are now available for the active leg.
  • FMC: Fixed a bug where approach phase would not activate with flaps 1.
  • FMC: Fixed a bug where an altitude intervention in cruise could result in an early descent rather than a cruise descent.
  • FMS: Lat/long where value is 000 now works
  • MCP: Corrected LOC/FAC and APP light logic.
  • ND: Updated VOR/APP Modes: DME, CRS, FREQ/IDENT to show correct VOR values for VOR R on FO ND, and to show correct ILS values when in APP or APPCTR mode
  • PFD: The VNAV speed band is now not shown during approach phase.
  • SYSTEMS: Fixed issues with thrust calculations that could lead to erroneous CLB1 and 2 values
  • VNAV: Fixed a bug where the auto-descent would not occur if the MCP altitude was adjusted closer than 10 NM from T/D.
  • VNAV: The thrust/drag required messages now occur at the correct speeds in approach phase.
  • VNAV: The top of the speed band is now VMO/MMO – 11 knots rather than 16 knots.
  • VNAV: Fixed various issues causing the descent path to not be calculated correctly when modifying VNAV parameters after sequencing T/D.
  • [747] AP: Thrust HOLD mode now activates at 70 knots during takeoff.
  • [747] CDU: DES DIR and DES NOW now work on the right CDU.
  • [747] CDU: Fixed VOR tuning data on the right CDU.
  • [747] EICAS: Fixed a bug where the FUEL XFEED CONFIG warning would be shown immediately after takeoff, before the fuel system automatically switched the configuration.
  • [747] EICAS: Flaps display now hidden when starting C&D.
  • [747] FMC: The FMC speed target is now always the current manevuering speed in approach phase.
  • [747] FMC: Fixed certain instances where changing or removing a procedure containing the active flight plan leg would cause the active leg’s flight path to change unexpectedly.
  • [747] FMC: Early Descent now reaches the target -1250 fpm descent rate.
  • [747] SYNOPTICS: Adjusted fuel synoptics styling.
  • [747] SYSTEMS: Rate of fuel transfer from reserve to main tanks increased.
  • [747] SYSTEMS: Fixed “FUEL IMBALANCE” warning text saying “FUEL IMBAL”.
  • [747] SYSTEMS: Fixed Stab tank warning message condition being reversed.
  • [747] TOOLTIPS: Fixed Capt/FO AIR DATA KNOB description, fixed FO Baro Outer Knob tooltips
  • [747] TOOLTIPS: Fixed autothrottle tooltip value to show ON instead of ARMED if autothrottle is engaged, updated AP Alt Knob Push tooltip description
  • [787] CDU: DES DIR and DES NOW now work when the CDU is on the left or right MFDs.
  • [787] CDU: Fixed VOR tuning data when the CDU was on the left or right MFD.
  • [787] CHECKLISTS: Added ‘Recirculation Fans ON’ to Preflight checklist
  • [787] FBW: Fixed an issue where FBW could snap back to an older trim setting one time upon disengaging autopilot
  • [787] FBW: Reduced pitch and roll sensitivity
  • [787] FBW: Fixed an issue where trim speed would not change at the correct rate
  • [787] FMC: Corrected the flaps 1 holding speeds.
  • [787] FPL: Fixed certain instances where changing or removing a procedure containing the active flight plan leg would cause the active leg’s flight path to change unexpectedly.
  • [787] HUD: Guidance cue is now not shown when the flight director is off.
  • [787] MFD: Fixed an issue where the passenger count on the AIR page wouldn’t be updated
  • [787] ND: Fixed issue on Xbox in CTR mode where the ‘18’ compass number was not visible.
  • [787] PFD: Changed baro setting alert background to black.
  • [787] PFD: Limited LS deviation indicator to prevent going too far outside the bounding box, to match the real unit.
  • [787] PFD/HUD: Fixed a bug where the AFDS baro source was displayed as L even with no AP or FD engaged.
  • [787] SYSTEMS: Primary hydraulic pumps now only run in AUTO mode after the second engine is started.
  • [787] TOOLTIPS: Updated AP Alt Knob Push tooltip description.