Das deutsche Entwicklerstudio Wing42 hat die Boeing B247D veröffentlicht! Das Original wurde bereits Mitte Anfang der 30er Jahre gebaut und zählt damit zu einem der ersten, damals modernen Verkehrsflugzeuge der Welt. Der wirtschaftliche Erfolg blieb Boeing mit diesem Muster allerdings versagt.
Die Wing42 B247D wurde als sehr systemtiefes Addon für den MSFS umgesetzt, was u.a. an der hauseigenen “Prop-O-Tronic” liegt. Dies ist eine Sammlung von Algorithmen, die die physikalischen Prozesse in einem Flugzeug simulieren. Somit kann das Modul das elektrische System, die vakuum- und barometrischen Systeme sowie den Verbrennungsprozess im Motor genau simulieren. Es wird verwendet, um den Verschleiß von Flugzeugkomponenten zu bestimmen, Ausfälle und kleinere Pannen zu simulieren.
Die Wing42 Boeing 247D ist das erste Flugzeug in MSFS, das vollständig mit einem Navigationsmodul für den Funkbereich ausgestattet ist, mit dem man “den Strahl fliegt”. VOR/ADF oder gar GPS gibt es nicht, man orientiert sich an einem piepsenden Morsecode, welcher einem verrät, auf welcher Seite des Senders man sich befindet.
Geht mal eines der zahlreichen Systeme im Cockpit kaputt, so hat man vielleicht Glück, dass es nur die Sicherung war. Also Sicherungskasten auf, alle Glasröhrchen checken, ob eines einen verbrannten Draht hat, Ersatzsicherung rein, und weiter geht.
Weitere Bilder und Infos auf der Homepage des Entwicklers.
3D Model
High fidelity 3d model with high-resolution PBR textures throughout the aircraft.
Flight Model
Super-realistic flight model, based on aerodynamic analysis and numerous sources from operating procedures to pilot reports. The flight model for the Boeing 247D was meticulously developed by aerodynamics expert Pamela Brooker, verified and tested by seasoned pilots.
System Simulation
The Boeing 247D features our first implementation of the Prop-o-Tronic physics engine in Microsoft Flight Simulator. Systems accurately simulated by Prop-o-Tronic are:
- Oil System
Viscosity, temperature, 4 different oil grades are all simulated for dozens of parts in the engine. - Electrical System
Real-world engineering calculations to accurately simulate voltages and currents. Make sure to pack some extra fuses, because they can pop during flight. - Realistic Heat-exchange
Instead of relying on MSFS lookup-tables, heat is calculated using real-world engineering formulas that define the interaction between all the different parts of the engines. Heat is exchanged via convection, conduction and radiation. - Much, much more
Custom animations for all moving parts and controls, from the light switch in the wash room to the vibration of the antenna wire in the wind.
Ground operations and our virtual clipboard
Our virtual clipboard is used to install various ground equipment, remove the cowling of the Pratt&Whitney S1H1-G engines, load the aircraft with passengers, cargo, mail, fuel and oil, and get the engines started. We also provide some key-reference data for your flight, in case you don’t have your checklists handy.
Realistic engine start-up procedure
The 247 had a peculiar engine starter, consisting of a flywheel with a hand-crank and clutch, both operated by the ground crew. You can either have your virtual ground crew do their job, or get your hands dirty by hand-cranking the engines yourself.
The add-on comes with a custom WWise sound pack, carefully designed by the professional audio mastermind Zak Spence. It includes amazing engine sounds, wind effects, audible controls and much more for a most immersive experience. Hear the engines roar, the equipment rumble, the radio crack and the switches click.
Fully functional Radio Range Navigation
The Wing42 Boeing 247D features an now outdated radio navigation system called “radio range”. The pilot of a historic 1930s aircraft would dial in a frequency on the radio and listen to the changing Morse code transmitted to find his way. It is an annoying and challenging, yet very rewarding way of navigating the skies. We included almost 700 historical radio stations (around 400 of them located in the U.S.A.) and outfitted the aircraft with a Bendix MR1B wireless controller.
But fear not! We also provide plenty of information in form of manuals and video tutorials to get you started!
Custom FX
Utilizing the new effects system where possible, the Boeing 247D comes with custom made effects. From engine smoke to reading lamps in the cabin, the Boeing has them all!
We provide extensive learning material to help you familiarize yourself with the aircraft. Included are two training manuals from the 1940s to familiarize yourself with old-fashioned radio navigation.
The Wing42 Boeing 247D comes in nine different variations:
- Fictional Wing42 livery
- United Air Lines NC13361 (1933 livery)
- Precipitation Control N3977C
- Lufthansa D-AGAR
- Chevron Standard Limited CF-JRQ
- United Air Lines NC13326 (1941 livery)
- Pennsylvania Central Airlines NC13348
- Empire Airlines NC41814
- Lamsa XA-DIY
Wunderschönes Flugzeug zu einem sensationell günstigen Preis!
Die Lufthansa hatte übrigens ebenfalls zwei Boeing 247D imDienst /Erprobung…..
Es gibt ja auch eine Lufthansa Variante im Paket.