Nach der Version 5.1 für PREPAR3D ist nun das erste Hotfix ( erschienen und kann bei Lockheed Martin im Download Bereich heruntergeladen werden. Wer die Version 5.1 schon installiert hat, kann laut LM nur den Client aktualisieren, allerdings sind auch Verbesserungen beim Scenery Content im Hotfix enthalten.

Client Fixes and Improvements

    • Multiple rendering system stability improvements.
    • Reduced cases of cloud aliasing with Enhanced Atmospherics.
    • Fixed issue that caused legacy clouds to flash in some cases.
    • Fixed issue that could cause shadow flashing at higher framerates.
    • Improved transparent object sorting.
    • Fixed issue causing particles to flash in some cases.
    • Fixed issue causing ambient lighting to appear too dark at high altitudes.
    • Fixed issue causing HTML5 windows including the ATC and SimConnect menu to be placed offscreen in VR.
    • Added CIGI option to hide the user aircraft model.
    • Removed content error report when accessing invalid index in GetPayloadStationName.
    • Fixed issue preventing parts of vegetation from drawing in some cases.
    • Added additional configuration options to the VolumetricClouds.cfg and updated several default cloud values.
    • Fixed crash that could occur when SimObjects were removed if AdaptiveSimGroupEnable was enabled.
    • Updated HTML5 ATC to hide message log if setting is checked.
    • Fixed issue where the Weather screen would ignore the first change made to weather settings if a theme was selected.
    • Added aux camera to HMD emulator allowing XYZ and PBH control on the emulated headset.
    • Fixed invalid fog/haze values from being applied to objects in singlepass view mode.
    • Fixed issue preventing auto exposure from functioning correctly in VR.
    • Fixed issue where time would not progress when checking UTC time in UI.
    • Showing time as UTC in the UI is now saved between sessions.
    • Fixed cases where search bar would be cut off in Controls UI screens.
    • Fixed issue causing single pass to be disabled when switching views in some cases.
    • Fixed issue preventing StoppingDistanceFeet from converting units correctly in SimDirector.
    • Fixed issue that could cause legacy cloud colors to invert if HDR was active in some cases.
    • Fixed issue preventing dialog popups from showing when display driver crashes in some cases.
    • Fixed issue preventing the title in the SimConnect HTML5 window from updating when changed.
    • Fixed crash when deserializing DIS Transimitter PDUs.
    • Added SimDirector VirtualRealityTrigger that can be set to fire when VR is enabled or disabled.
    • Added SimDirector ActionExecutionFilter that can be set to only allow actions to fire if VR is active or not active.

Scenery Fixes and Improvements

    • Fixed various building, vegetation, and vehicle models that would blend incorrectly with clouds.
    • Fixed invalid materials in several vegetation models.
    • Fixed issue that could vehicles to crash with jetways.
    • Updated various airports including W24, KRCW, OMAW, CYUL, and WAVG.
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4 Jahre zuvor

Kompatibel dank Ubdate:

Noch nicht Kompatibel:

  • FSLaps Airbus
Beantworten  Wuffi84
4 Jahre zuvor

Sind inzwischen kompatibel.

Wilhelm Zwirchmayr
Wilhelm Zwirchmayr
4 Jahre zuvor

leider kommt es hin und wieder vor, das ATC Menü /GSX Menü nicht mehr reagiert.
man kann es leider nicht reproduzieren, aber es kommt zu gewisse abständen.
weiteres kommt hin und wieder vor, dass sich alle tastatur einstellungen verändert haben.
bei einen neustart ist alles wieder wie gewohnt

Beantworten  Wilhelm Zwirchmayr
4 Jahre zuvor

Selbiges bei mir. ATC Fenster bleibt leer, mitten im Flug und GSX zeigt nur noch das Pushback Menü, selbst in der Luft. Über Shift D, wo man ja die Jetways ansteuern kann, ist überraschend auch nur das Pushback Menü, was mich wundert. Man findet aber nirgends was im Netz, du bist der erste, der das scheinbar auch hat.