ARMI Project: Muscat (OOMS) für P3D4/5 released

ARMI Project haben ihre Umsetzung des Flughafens Muscat released. Der 38 MB große Download ist ab sofort für 16 Euro im Simmarket zu haben, die Szenerie funktioniert laut Designer im Prepar3D Version 4 und Version 5.


  • Scenery made with Gmax for better performance All main buildings( terminal, control tower, cargo and military hangars and more)
  • Fully detail jetways and bridge to concourse.
  • Custom made lines, taxiway and taxi lights.
  • Custom Gmax ground texture will make you feel like being in the real airport.
  • Surrounding area including military hangar , Fuel tank facility VIP Terminal , Royal terminal , Cargo bay ,etc.

Visibility of Objects

To optimise the framerate we had to reduce the visibility of some objects at the airport of OOMS  as there are simply too many of them. This should not affect you while you are in the cockpit-view. Sometimes – depending upon the angle – as you come closer, a building or airplane appears very suddenly. This is normal and is done so to increase the performance.

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4 Jahre zuvor

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Den Screenshots nach zu urteilen scheint dies aber auch nicht die beste Umsetzung zu sein, wohl aber die einzige als Payware.