A_A Sceneries hat Phuket 2020 veröffentlicht.
Der beliebte Airport in Thailand wurde auf den aktuellen Stand gebracht und läuft nun von FSX – Prepar3D V4.
Das verspricht der Entwickler :
- High detailed ground poly for parking and runway. The ground poly is made by native material in P3d version. It has bump map and reflection of the rain.
- Photoscenery of the airport changes with seasons.
- Animated vehicles in the airport and animated cars in the parking lots.
- Animated jetway control by SODE. Set your parking break for your aircraft and the gate will be selected automatically. Press tab-S and the SODE menu will come out let you control you jetway.
- Highly detailed terminals.
- Real life night light. P3d version has dynamic lights.
- Custom-made 3D cars in the parking lot.
- Animated windsock. The model changes with the wind speed and direction.
Phuket kann im Simmarket für 21,42€ erworben werden , Besitzer der alten Version erhalten die Szenerie zu einem vergünstigten Preis von 14,28€.
Sieht relativ veraltet aus, erinnert mich an Tropicalsim.