Flightbeam arbeitet an Wellington

Flightbeam haben heute bekanntgegeben an Wellington zu arbeiten und diesen auch noch 2018 zu veröffentlichen. Man hat sich aufgrund von verschiedenen Faktoren, wie Anflug, Wetterverhältnisse u.v.m. für NZWN entschieden. Leider tritt Auckland in der Veröffentlichungslinie zurück…


Flightbeam Studios is proud to announce the development of Wellington International Airport (NZWN). Situated in the middle of one of the most scenic countries in the world, NZWN will aim to please a wide variety of sim pilots. Both approach and departure provide stunning views along with weather challenges at this single runway airport. Despite its small size, NZWN pushes through over 6 million passengers a year and is the third busiest airport in the region.

This airport will surpass our previous work in terms of detail modeling to terminals, and will also provide a stunning and unsurpassed amount of custom, configurable airport clutter around the gate areas. Surrounding the airport will be a large region with custom ground imagery and buildings, extending throughout the whole Wellington peninsula.

Look for NZWN release this year in 2018!

For discussions about NZWN in our forums and more images, head over to our forums!


Hello all,

Unfortunately I’m bearing both good news, and bad news.

I’ll start with the bad news, which relates to NZAA (Auckland International Airport). I announced that NZAA would be our next new airport project after KMSP back in 2016. During this time KMSP was still in production and Auckland was not due to start production until after the release of KMSP.

When it was time to start work on NZAA and survey plans were being made, I was put in touch with officials from the airport along with several great contacts in New Zealand. There was an extensive delay to our official on-site survey, which was the result of construction work starting at the airport. To this day, we still haven’t been able to complete a survey. After a more extensive research and follow-up with officials, it seems NZAA is currently ongoing some significant construction to the terminal areas. This inhibits my ability to properly depict the airport as I do with all my other products. While I’ve worked on many different airports under construction, the nature of the construction at NZAA is extensive and introduces many unknowns for 3d production.

In short, due to the lack of survey and ongoing construction, this airport release is going to be delayed, not canceled.

The good news. The delay in getting the proper material and opportunity at NZAA is shortlived. We expect a full survey completed sometime in the next few months and some fresh construction in a few critical areas being near-completed enough for us to go full production.

The other good news: I haven’t been taking a vacation because of this. (I wish 8-) ) The findings above were made in mid to late 2017, and I immediately began work on a new airport. This airport has similar qualities as NZAA and will certainly please flight simmers. The production has been well underway and expect release roughly around summer time. At this time I cannot reveal the secret airport, but will reveal it along with visual material (ie screenshots) during FSExpo coming this June.

If you’re planning on attending, we have a booth. Be sure to stop by!

For NZAA discussion, head over to the NZAA thread: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=2370

Thanks for your continued support and happy skies,

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David Hilker
David Hilker
6 Jahre zuvor

NZAA und NZWN von Flightbeam… da werden Träume wahr.

Beantworten  David Hilker
6 Jahre zuvor

Soweit ich weiß ist NZAA leider aud unbestimmte Zeit verschoben, weil derzeit am realen Flughafen größere umbauten geplant sind und Flightbeam nichts machen wollten was dann evtl bei Veröffentlichung schon wieder von der Realität überholt wurde. Such mal im NZAA Thread im Flightbeam forum, vor ein paar Monaten wurde das irgendwann mal thematisiert.

David H.
David H.
Beantworten  Fabian
6 Jahre zuvor

Danke, ich weiß. In den aktuellen Facebook-Kommentaren wurde von Flightbeam aber folgendermaßen geantwortet: “NZAA will be right after NZWN”. Das hört sich für mich schon so an, als würde es bald weitergehen (im ersten Statement dazu spricht er ja auch von “einigen Monaten” und das war im März. Bei Flightbeam sind die Zeitspannen natürlich so oder so sehr lang, also innerhalb des nächsten Jahres gibt es sicher kein NZAA, klar.

Aber wenn Godzone NZCH rausbringt und NZWN raus ist, ist die Wartezeit auch gut auszuhalten.

6 Jahre zuvor

Dieser Airport war angesichts seiner außergewöhnlichen Architektur eh schon auf meinem Radar. NZW gleichzeitig durch Flightbeam realisiert zu bekommen, ist eine tolle Nachricht.