Imaginesim hat mit Shanghai Pudong einen weiteren Airport für P3DV4 aktualisiert. Zahlreiche Neuerungen begleiten den Release, zum Umfang und weiteren Bildern – hier entlang
ust released is our new version of ZSPD Shanghai Pudong for Prepar3D V4. It has vastly improved performance, the result of a complete model optimization and recompile. Available at
Among a host of improvements you will find:
Big improvement in performance using procedures optimized for Prepar3D V4.
Framerate speeds up by over a third compared with previous Prepar3D version. Nearly double when compared to FSX version.
High definition building texturing and improved new V4 ground polygons.
Fluid usage, even with complex airliner cockpits and high density AI coverage.
Low visibility nav lighting.
Switchable dynamic lighting option.
New and bespoke Operations Center configuration GUI.
Comprehensive ground and building optimization.
Interactive SODE jetways.
Instantaneous scenery cache loading.
Seasonal texture options.
63 km/sq coverage of the ZSPD area.
Low simulator impact.
Graduated ground extremeties to seamlessly blend with any vector driven add-on.
Improved autogen coverage.
Free to existing ZSPD Shanghai Prepar3D and FSX customers*.
Lennart, Alexander