Orbx hat heute erste Bilder ihres Projects A gezeigt. Dabei handelt es sich um die Innsbruck Umsetzung von Jarred Marshall. Hier findet ihr die Bilder sowie weitere Informationen:
G’day all,
After months of discussion, speculation and rumours, ORBX are proud to announce our first venture into “Project A“: FTX Innsbruck for Aerofly FS2 Flight Simulator!
A close collaboration between ORBX and IPACS, both teams have been quietly working away at this over the past months, bringing together the ground-breaking visual engine of Aerofly FS2 with the high detail and immersion you have come to expect from an ORBX HD Airport.
For those who haven’t had a chance to try AF FS2 yet, I strongly urge you to check it out. As a VFR experience, this is the best sim currently on the market, hands down. As you can see from the screenshots below, there is a clear mark-up in terrain quality – mountains look crisp, photoreal roads and railways are discernible all the way to the horizon, and both the shadow and atmospheric engines are stunning. Best of all, performance is through the roof – having spent a great deal of time learning from the IPACS team, I have discovered that they are passionate about tweaking the very best performance out of their engine as possible.
In terms of the scenery itself, I’ve brought across the best elements of the FSX/P3D version that you’ve all been enjoying over the past month. Features expected from any next-gen ORBX airport are there – animated PeopleFlow, cars and trains, highly-detailed autogen vegetation and buildings, enormous coverage area, high-detail 2048 textures and dozens of landmarks. In addition, expect to see a couple of very exciting new features exclusive to AF FS2; naturally sloped runways, highly accurate crash detection (no more close-calls when flying under those bridges!), better-implemented spec/bump maps for the ground poly, and some very nifty shadow/night textures. Lastly, the optimisation of this engine really makes a difference – performance, microstutters and VAS usage are genuinely nothing to worry about around Innsbruck. I’ve been easily getting upwards of 130-140fps with maxed settings.
Lastly, for those that own or are looking forward to a VR headset, AeroFly FS2 provides native compatibility for both Occulus Rift and HTC Vive. The smoothness and performance of the sim with, coupled with the native compatibility, make this the superior platform for VFR flying – I’m sure JV will chime in with his own experiences with the OR and AeroFly.
– Owners of the FSX/P3D version of LOWI will receive a 40% discount for the AeroFly FS2 version.
– Full price will be AUD$39.95 (€27, US$30, £23 approx.) or AUD$24 (€17, US$18, £14 approx.) at the discounted price
– Release is scheduled for June 15th 2017 (a special request from John – it’s his birthday after all!)
– FTX Innsbruck for AeroFly FS2 will be previewed live at FlightSimCon on June 10th 2017; this will be streamed via our good friends at AirDailyX
– This is just the first of many ORBX airports for AeroFly FS2!
– Innsbruck Airport recreated in full HD detail
– Full 2500 square km coverage area
– Sloped runway! A key feature of AF FS2
– Ultra-crisp terrain textures. Defined mountains, roads and rivers all the way to the horizon, no more blurries.
– Incredible performance on even mid-range systems – far superior to FSX/P3D
– Amazing Virtual Reality integration: optimised for performance and smoothness, best-in-class.
– Full animation support: Moving PeopleFlow, vehicles and trains
– Complete autogen system – a major new feature previously unseen in AeroFly FS, expertly designed by the team at IPACS.
– Volumetric grass
– Crisp and accurate shadow engine
– Dozens of landmarks, POI and features, including two heliports.
– Stunning atmospheric engine perfectly suited to VFR flying.
Lastly, it is important to note that these screenshots are work in progress, and there may be minor changes before the final version, though they should convey a good idea of where the development cycle is at. Also, this is exactly how the sim looks out-of-the-box! No tweaks, no edits, no display cfg changes, no other third-party addons (yes, those beautiful aircraft are default) – just FTX Innsbruck and AeroFly FS2, that’s it!
Das sieht natürlich schon ausgesprochen lecker aus!
Ich dachte Orbx steckt mit Dovetail unter einer Decke?! Jedenfalls top Nachrichten. Hoffentlich springt PMDG auch auf den IPACS Zug.
Das Zusammenspiel war ja bei Flightschool nicht sehr fruchtbar
Mit einer PMDG 737 o.ä. könnte man dort doch noch garnichts anfangen, dazu sind doch die Szenerien viel zu klein. Da muss wohl erstmal A2A ran.
Wieso nicht? Die mitgelieferte 747 fliegt dann dort nur Platzrunden?
Sieht wirklich top aus. Ich frage mich nur was um Innsbruck herum für eine Szenerie ist? Ist nicht die einzig verfügbare DLC Szenerie für Europe die Schweiz? Wenn FS2 wenigstens Westeuropa abdecken würde, dann wäre es echt interessant.
LOWI von ORBX deckt 2500km² ab
Flächen werden im Marketing gerne verwendet weil die Zahlen größer sind. 2500m² klingt natürlich gut, aber es sind lediglich 50km×50km.
Es ging mir um die Beantwortung der Frage, welche Szenerie um Innsbruck herum zu sehen ist. Also in anderen Worten, das, was man sieht, ist noch Teil der Szenerie, weil die eben mit 2500km² recht weitläufig ist.
2500m² wäre jedenfalls ein netter Garten, mit dem ich zufrieden wäre
2500km² bei einer Szenerie sind – Marketing hin oder her – durchaus ein ansehnliches Stück Land für eine Flughafenszenerie.
Was passiert eigentlich in Aerofly FS 2 wenn man an die Szenerie Grenze kommt? Crash? Oder bleibt man einfach in der Luft hängen bis man umdreht?
Man sieht dann sehr unscharfe Satellitenbilder von dem Gebiet über dem man fliegt. Auf diese Weise kann man z.B. ganz problemlos in den USA von der Ost- zur Westküste fliegen, da man für das Start- und Zielgebiet detaillierte Szenerien hat, und dazwischen ohnehin zu hoch ist, um Details erkennen zu können.