Majestic Update 1.012

news Majestic

Majestic haben für ihre Dash 8 Q400 das Update 1.012 veröffentlicht. Der Patch macht die Dash zu FSX Steam kompatibel und kann über die Website über Support –> User Area geladen werden. Weitere Fixes dieses Updates sind in folgender Liste ersichtlich:

MJC8Q400 Version 1.012 PILOT edition patch for FSX and Prepar3D V2.x and FSX Steam

This patch must be installed over the MJC8Q400 pilot edition version 1.009,1.010 or 1.011

Fixed issues list since Version 1009 PILOT edition

+ CScriptingSystem: Removed the script line count limitation
+ doc: updated scripting specification to eliminate the .mjs files
+ CScriptingSystem: allowed arbitrary number of internal vars
+ CScriptingSystem: Redeveloped the scripting to support the named labels instead of line numbers
+ CScriptingSystem: Added AND and OR logical operarions
+ CNavSystem: NavReceivers: optimized math for angle calculation
+ CNavSystem: NavReceivers: now correcting distance to GS for antenna offset from the runway
+ CSoundSystem: Stall volume up 30%

+ Added P3D V2.x compatibility
+ maingauge, aircraft.cfg: freed landing and taxi lights and NAV lights to control FSX lights (for multiplayer compatibility)
+ Fixed the speed loosing in p3d during repositions
+ Added FSX Steam compatibility

+ CFMSSystem: AirwayList page: Now allowing up to 250 selection waypoints in the airway
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9 Jahre zuvor

Für mich eine der besten Add-Ons die es für den FS gibt! Freue mich schon unglaublich auf die neue Q300! 🙂