Noch mehr Neues an der Wetterfront!

REX-001Nachdem Anfang der Woche das neue Wettertool FS Global Real Weather von Pilot’s erschienen ist, gibt es auch vom Wettbewerber Neues zu berichten. Opus Software gibt die Veröffentlichtung von OpusFSX Version 3.00 bekannt und für REX Essential PLUS (w/Overdrive) ist ein Service Pack 1 erhältlich. Die vollständigen Pressemitteilungen (in engl. Sprache) zu beiden Produkten seht ihr unter…




OpusFSX  The ultimate Flight Simulator Interface for FSX and Prepar3D
Version 3.00 is now available for download !
This latest release includes many improvements listed below.
Larger internal weather map, increased to cover 1280km x 1280km (800 x 800 miles).
New Met Station list including 8,320 stations around the globe.
Improved Weather Interpolation (WINTER) algorithm.
Added a ‘Thunderstorms Require TS Descriptor’ option.
Introduced a Dynamic Weather Theme size option.
Improved the Opus Weather Report details and the Addon menu options.
Introduced named TrackIR head movement limits for the camera definitions.
Introduced command shortcut button and key assignments.
Introduced a cloud smoothing option to help minimise local cloud changes.
Improved intelligent auto-cirrus calculations and cloud precipitation.
Improved cirrostratus and cirrocumulus precedence and conditions.
Improved cloud depths for all alto and cirro cloud types.
Improved upper atmosphere wind and temperature targets.
Improved forced recovery checks for stabilised winds.
Introduced three levels of intelligent windshear.
Introduced intelligent cloud icing data.
Live Weather Reports … Now provide a perfect long range (400 mile) ATIS for your Local, Destination and up to 4 Alternate airfields or sites. The OpusFSX Lower and Upper Atmosphere reports will also provide detailed winds and temperatures aloft targets derived from the GRIB forecast data.


REX Essential PLUS and REX Essential PLUS w/OverDrive SP1 Now Available!

REX Game Studios is proud to announce the release of Service Pack 1 for the REX Essential PLUS product line. This latest update release includes many improvements, fixes and additions listed below:

Improved – Winds aloft data, especially southern hemisphere.
Improved – Weather station accuracy in WXPLUS mode.
Improved – Archived weather from REX EDGE servers.
Improved – Severe wind shifts during transitions with WXPLUS mode.
Improved – Added code to read Flight Mode or Dialog mode status of FSX/P3D before injecting weather in both Standard and WXPLUS weather modes.
Improved – Better handling of visibility below 1 SM.
Improved – Sped up weather process assembling in WXPLUS mode.
Improved – Adjustments to back-end database servers for better handling of archive weather processing.
Improved – “Download Center” button to menu bar and removed from the Textures area.
Improved – Process of transitioning cloud and visibility smoothing in WXPLUS mode.
Improved – Flight plans are now saved in the users FLIGHT SIM X Document folder.
Improved – Download time of weather from data servers.
Improved – Now receiving 100+ knots winds in the mid to upper levels of the atmosphere.

Fixed – Un-selecting the visibility smoothing does not uncheck the wind smoothing feature.
Fixed – Prepar3D header banner not showing if user has P3D activated.
Fixed – Accurate pressure readings.
Fixed – 24-hour METAR data for current weather.
Fixed – White screen on WASys in regards to computer regional settings.
Fixed – Disposed timer setting at close of Weather Engine.
Fixed – Archive weather settings and required date to be selected before saving.
Fixed – Database server structure for correct archive weather data.
Fixed – checkLocation error message from error logs.
Fixed – Disable option button if internet is not detected on user’s machine.
Fixed – Random weather mode now works when no internet connection is detected.
Fixed – Javascripting errors on WASYS tool. Dependent on the IE version installed.

Added – Various adjustments to the Micro and Synoptic weather station load features for more accurate visibility handling.
Added – New wind smoothing algorithm to handle wind direction smoothing during loading.
Added – FAOR, FALE, VTBS to database.

Expanded – Weather area of WXPLUS weather theme mode.
Removed – Green bar showing injection during WXPLUS mode loading.
Changed – “Create a Flight Plan” button to “Import or Create a Flight Plan”.
Moved – “Import Flight Plan” button within the Flight Center area.

The REX Essential PLUS line of products offers the most advanced, multi award-winning environment package on the market today. SP1 is available free of charge to all existing REX Essential PLUS and REX Essential PLUS OverDrive customers. Visit the REX product support forum for details and download.


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11 Jahre zuvor

Wird das SP auch im Simmarket-Account verfügbar sein? Mich nervt es nämlich, dass ich auf deren Seite keinerlei Möglichkeit habe, “relativ” einfach an das Update zu kommen.

11 Jahre zuvor

EDIT: ich meinte natürlich das SP für REX.

11 Jahre zuvor

Danke für diesen Hinweis! 🙂

Das Update findet man im REX Forum. Nach dem anmelden muss man sich nur noch in diesem Thread als Käufer verifizieren lassen:

Und schon kann man das Update herunterladen 🙂

11 Jahre zuvor

Ich glaube Patroni meinte eher den Sa…. ehh etwas übertriebenen “Forenfluß” unserer Freunde aus Phoenix 🙂

hier wirst du fündig…

durch die schier unermässliche Anzahl an verschiedensten Versionen von Rex musst du dich ab hier leider selbst bemühen!

Viel Glück!

11 Jahre zuvor

Nach diesen Verify-Thread habe ich mich dumm und dämlich gesucht. Danke Doug!

11 Jahre zuvor

Na, dann wollen wir mal. Was ist eigentlich neu?

11 Jahre zuvor

Ah, vor allem, das das Wetter nicht von einer Sekunde zur anderen “umschlägt.” das war immer ein Problem, bei all diesen Programmen. Entschuldigung, ich war etwas zu schnell… Bitte vorigen Post entfernen.